Two steps that should be followed when installing security cameras in cemeteries

Local authorities who manage public cemeteries and owners of private cemeteries will sometimes choose to get security cameras installed to scare off criminals who might be tempted to vandalise monuments or steal the valuable mementoes that are left on some graves. Here are the tips these organisations or individuals should follow if they decide to proceed with the installation of security equipment in this setting.

The cameras should be installed in areas where they can serve their purpose without being intrusive

When the security camera installation specialist asks where the cameras need to be placed in the cemetery, the owner or manager of the cemetery should pick spots which will ensure that the cameras are not too intrusive but which will still enable them to collect footage of the cemetery's entry and exit points and of any ornate or valuable monuments that are very likely to be targeted by vandals.

For example, the cameras should not be placed so close to the graves that the sound of them whirring could be heard by those visiting these graves. The reason for this is that people usually visit cemeteries in order to attend funerals or to visit and perhaps lay flowers on the grave of a deceased loved one. In either scenario, these people may be grieving and might not want this moment of vulnerability to be closely observed by a security system. As such, the security cameras must be positioned a respectful distance from the graves so that they do not intrude upon visitors' attempts to say goodbye to or to pray for their deceased loved ones.

With this in mind, it might be a good idea to install the cameras on, for example, the lamp posts that line the cemetery's footpaths (which would ensure that anyone using these pathways to reach and vandalise certain monuments could be captured on camera) and on the pillars that are adjacent to the cemetery's entry and exit gates (which will enable the cameras to capture footage of anyone who comes and goes in a subtle manner).

They should check the cemetery's burial schedule before deciding when to get the cameras installed

Those who will be arranging the installation should check the cemetery's burial schedule prior to choosing a time to get it done. The reason for this is that the installer might need to use a drill and other noisy equipment to secure the camera system to the cemetery's pillars and lamp posts. If the cemetery manager or owner asks this installer to come whilst, for example, a family is in the midst of burying the remains of their relative, this noise could upset them and perhaps lead to some individuals getting distracted and forgetting the things they wanted to say about the deceased. 

By checking the burial schedule before booking the installation, the cemetery owner or manager can avoid causing this unpleasant scenario by choosing a time at which no burials are due to take place.

To learn more, contact a security camera installation contractor.
